Elisa’s Product Recommendations
I am a big fan of electric toothbrushes and use a Sonicare toothbrush myself. These brushes have technology and science behind them with proven results to be more effective for plaque removal and health of your gums. The sweeping motion of the brush head makes for a more thorough plaque removal while stimulating blood circulation in your gums giving them a great workout and keeping them firm and healthy. I love the feeling I get after using my electric toothbrush– it’s the next best feeling to having had my teeth polished in the dental office! I also like to see the great results patients get by using them! In talking to my patients about what they like to use, I can tell a difference in oral health in those that use an electric toothbrush regularly.
In addition to the electric toothbrush, I like to pair it with Colgate Total Toothpaste. I like the flavor and the feeling I have after using this toothpaste. I also appreciate that it leaves no toothpaste particles behind like some other toothpastes I have used. For patients that deal with sensitive teeth, I like to recommend Sensodyne Pronamel Toothpaste. This toothpaste helps provide relief of sensitivity while protecting teeth from acid erosion. I hear great feedback from patients amazed that a toothpaste could make all the difference for them. It is generally best to avoid toothpastes with whiteners and extra additives as the agents in these can contribute to teeth sensitivity.
I’m a big advocate of using a higher concentrated fluoride toothpaste before bed to help lower the risk for cavities–especially if you’ve had a couple cavities within the past year. Some great options are MI Paste or PreviDent that you can buy in our office. A great over the counter option is the ACT fluoride rinse. I especially like to recommend this rinse for our little patients as long as they are good at swishing and spitting. This rinse is also great for our ortho patients to use in addition to proper brushing and flossing as it will help prevent decalcification or white spot lesions from forming on their teeth.
Finding a floss that works for your individual mouth is important for compliance. You’ll actually want to floss your teeth when you see it being effective in removing debris and advantageous to the health of your gums and the prevention of cavities. Whether you have tight contacts between your teeth or more spacing there’s several options out there to find one just right for you. The Glide Satin floss is great for those with tight contacts. My personal favorite is Glide Oral-B Pro-Health Deep Clean Floss. It slides easily between the teeth without shredding and I notice it being more effective removing debris. I also like to recommend Gum Flossers. They are great to keep in your car, purse or pocket for when you are on the go. GUM Go-Betweens are an interdental brush and are great to use for those with more spacing between their teeth. They are super helpful for ortho patients to use to clean around brackets and wires. A mouth rinse I like to recommend is Crest Pro-Health Mouthwash. It helps fight the bacteria that cause gingivitis while giving you fresh breath. I also like that it doesn’t have alcohol in it so you avoid the burning sensation that occurs with other mouthwashes.
A Waterpik is an oral irrigator that flushes out pockets or spaces between your teeth and gums. It is great to use in addition to brushing and flossing for those who want to go the extra mile in their oral health care. It is ideal for perio patients or those with pocketing in their gums as well as for ortho patients. I also like to recommend one to my patients that have what I like to call “nooks and crannies” in their teeth which are areas in between their teeth that are difficult for them to reach and keep clean.
I hope you may find these dental recommendations helpful for you or your loved ones. It is a privilege for me to provide dental care to this wonderful community. I truly enjoy listening to patients and helping them find dental products that they will use and love so that they can achieve great oral health and enjoy fabulous dental visits!